Sunday, 28 December 2014

The Art of Letting Go

It's already 28 December..
Day passes, life passes, just like that..
Only a few days before everything for 2014 ended.
Reflecting 2014,
all I can say its a year that went by so fast, maybe a little bit too fast. 
Its the year where I finished my diploma..
its the year where I felt so much pressure to the point where I gave up so many times 
but still learning how to get back up.
Its the year where i said I am going to accomplish great things
yet I felt I just wasted a time.
Its the year I cried over too many many pointless things, too many times.
It's the year I looked back on all of the lifetime memories in which I found myself missing people in them.
But it's also the year that I move on,
slowly and I found It's Ok.. 

I'm done finish my 6 month fashion design short course successfully.
6 month tough..its not easy but i enjoyed it..
Thanks to Cikgu Mastura, Cikgu Ayu, and Kak Natrah.
seriously I'll miss all of you after this..

I'll keep all the sweet memories..deep in my heart <3

with love,

Thursday, 30 October 2014


It’s ok to let go of needing all the answers... 
It’s not going to kill you. 
in fact, 
it just might bring you to life..


Saturday, 16 August 2014

Tenggelamnya kapal Van der Wijk

Lebih seratus kali namamu ku sebut dalam sehari...
Kadang-kadang saya terpanggil dalam nyanyianku,
kadang-kadang dalam ratapku...
Kicut pintu ditolak angin, terasa langkah kau yang terdengar.
Masih juga belum percaya, kau telah membuang saya dari ingatanmu...
Saya tanyai diri saya, apakah saya berdosa kepadamu?
Tidak rasanya,
bahkan dosa yang lain yang kerap saya perbuat untuk mencukupkan cintaku kepadamu.

¬Tenggelamnya Kapal Van der Wijck
  Buya HAMKA

Thursday, 17 July 2014


your Lord says:
"Pray to me..I will answer you"
(al-Mu'min : 60)

Thursday, 26 June 2014


Dalam dunia ni..
Satu-satunya Zafirah yang aku kenal cuma seorang..
Zafirah Binti Zawawi..
Gadis Seberang Takir yang aku kenal
pada hari first aku masuk Form 6 kat SMK Ibrahim Fikri..
Gadis tinggi lampai yang sentiasa menunggu aku setiap pagi kat koridor depan kelas..
Gadis berkaca mata yang sentiasa merendah diri..
Seorang yang sangat baik..
Moment kami tak banyak..
Sebab sempat bersama selama 2 bulan lebih jer..
Selama 3 tahun berpisah..
Tak pernah berpeluang untuk berjumpa semula..
Persahabatan tak pernah putus..
Kerana dia adalah Zafirah..
Seorang sahabat yang setia..
Kerana setia,
Kita bertemu kembali..

ekekeke...kemahin lain macam sungguh poems..hahaha
kalau Irah baca ni, mohon nangis laju2 T____T

that's why we love here :)

may Allah bless our friendship till Jannah..
mengejar reunion di syurga..
in sya Allah :)

  • No Edit
  • Location: Seberang Takir
  • throwback

Sunday, 22 June 2014


Ada sesuatu yang Allah dah susun cantik-cantik untuk kita..
Cuma masanya belum tiba lagi..
Belajarlah untuk kata "Takpa"
Belajarlah untuk tabahkan hati..

I miss Kuantan..
Sebab Kuantan ada Siti Sarah... <3

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Live Life

The day seems good until you wake up.
The world seems welcoming until you enter it.
When the morning comes,
nothing seems good
the moment my eyes open and until they are shut.

I feel like 
death would be better, safer, and more peaceful.
But the moment my eyes are closed dreams come and take me.
The dream of peace and happiness,
the warmth and love.
It may only last a moment 
but it gives me strength..
Strength for the day to come
No matter what it be,
a nightmare or a fantasy
It seems better then life.

Friends in my dreams never leave or change
Time never passes to fast or to slow..
You are never forgotten or hated.
Nothing seems better and you start to feel happy.
Then the sun comes up 
and your brought back,
back to the truth of the world.
The pain and sadness,
The hate and fear of life washes over you
and you wish you wouldn't have open your eyes.
You want to fall back into your welcoming sleep
Where nothing goes wrong 
and you are always loved.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Bumi Itu Bulat

"Bumi tak akan pernah berhenti berputar,
jadi kenapa kita harus berhenti berjalan ?
berjalanlah ,
berjalanlah sejauh yang kau larat...
namun jangan bimbang kerana bumi akan selalu bulat,
makanya kau pasti akan kembali"

Tak perlu bersedih,

selama bumi itu bulat kau pasti kembali lagi :')

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Ikut Kata Hati

Semoga Allah permudahkan urusan..
Andai ini jalan yang terbaik untukku,
Jagalah hatiku ya Allah..
Jangan Kau gembirakan aku dengan sesuatu yang Engkau murkai..


Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Good Time

It's being 3 friggin years and my diploma session has finally ended.
Rasa sangat2 nak bagi tepukan untuk diri sendiri
because stay struggle with engineering sampai habis
perkataan Biomedical Engineering tu tak pernah wujud
dalam senarai list cita2 aku di bangku sekolah
dan aku adalah manusia yang sangat2 tak suka mathematics.
guess how time flies.. :)

bye BMI,
coz I have my own plan for my future..
I want do what I love..

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

On Job Training

Pening nak ooiii..
Penat..Blurrr Pending..T____T

Nor Azizah
12 Febuary 2014
Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah
She's still trying to enjoy the hospital =..=

Friday, 10 January 2014


cerita semalam..


Tiada kata mampu kubalas..
Hanya senyuman untuk menutupi rasa..
Manik jernih menitis perlahan..

Saya akan rindu awak!